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Seagull Gallery
We have had many varied exhibitions during the last two years - here is a random selection

The Seagull : An Art Gallery and Pop-Up Space for Hire
Once a neglected little shop, The Seagull has been transformed by Lou Weldon into a light, open space ready to host exhibitions and interesting activities.
The Seagull is just off the high street in Cardigan, round the corner from Canfas Gallery and very handy for Bara Menyn Bakehouse! Gallery comprises of a clean, uncluttered ground and upper floor rooms. Unlike other galleries the space is available to hire and will usually be open from Wednesday to Saturday for the viewing public. Artists have the option to open Mon. to Sat.
The artist(s) steward their work and are able to engage with potential collectors in an intimate environment. Hire can be for as little as a week to a longer Artist studio/ residency.
Art Society's may also want to hold a collective exhibition.
Artists are invited to submit work via email or arrange to bring work into The Seagull.
Please email for more info and an Artists Exhibition Contract

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